Ampli Audiovisuals - Rental pricelist 2016
2,00 3,75
Mini arm with camera bracket black M196 (Manfrotto)
Magic arm set M143 (Manfrotto)
0,65 2,00 2,00 0,65 0,65 1,25 0,65 2,50 5,00 5,00 5,00 5,00
Black French Flag 25cm x 40cm (Strand) Black Cloth Flag 40cm x 60cm (Strand) Black Cloth Flag 60cm x 90cm (Doughty)
Pivoting clamp M124 for diam. 19,20,25 and 28mm (Manfrotto) Rotule with 16mm receiver for diam. 6,10,12,16mm (Doughty) 1 meter single Rotule arm for diam. 6,10,12,16mm (Doughty)
Foamcore fork with spigot M143F (Manfrotto) Polystyrene Light Reflection Panel 1m x 1m Polystyrene Light Reflection Panel 2m x 1m
Autopole Black 432-1.7 extends from 1,0 to 1,7m (Manfrotto) Autopole Black 432-2.7 extends from 1,5 to 2,7m (Manfrotto) Autopole Black 432-3.7 extends from 2,1 to 3,7m (Manfrotto)
4,00 5,00
Focussing pole small 428B-4,0 max. 4m (Manfrotto) Focussing pole large 428B-6,5 max. 6,5m (Manfrotto)
0,50 1,50 2,50 2,50 2,50
Counter weight 16Kg
Manfrotto G200 large sand bag 10Kg Manfrotto 023 counterweight 4Kg Manfrotto 022 counterweight 7Kg
Dougthy T61100 brace weight 13Kg TV specification with 29mm receiver
Ballast rack - weight 830kg
Manfrotto G200 sand bag
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