
ttap ® drive ttap ® is an innovative new hex-lob drive system with distinct advantages over the generic hex-lob (Torx ® ). ttap ® is a drive system designed to work excellently with all types of assembling, including demanding professional applications. The stick-fit no wobbling feature enables one handed operations without magnetic holder. ttap ® makes screw assembling easier and at lower costs. easier: • Stick-fit; screwdriver “sticks-fit” in the recess • No wobbling; screwdriver does not wobble out of the recess, does not cam out • No need to push; no end-load on screwdriver needed • One-handed operation is possible • No magnetic bit holder needed and thus there are no steel splinters to clog the bit • Screwdriver enters the screw recess more easily

cost efficient: • Reduce drive tool usage • Improved productivity • Reduced risk to damage rust protection plating • Better profits and job moral Hex-lob (torx ® ) compatible: • ttap ® is 100 % a hexalobular recess, backward convertible - but without the disadvantages • You can use torx ® bits on ttap ® screw, hence strategically easy to change to ttap ®

torque drive efficient - enables new design: • Because ttap ® facilitates applying powerful torque, you can replace hex-head drive with ttap ® Benefits your health: • No need to push - no end-load on screwdriver needed • If you compare with Phillips/Pozidrive recess, a major advantage is that you don`t need to apply as much pressure to drive the screw, hence - ttap ® reduces worker fatique

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